Chapter 5: Management with the CLU
11 ST380013AS 80 GB
12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB
Enter Physical Drive ID to select.
Press R to continue after you have finished
selecting Physical Drive.
Your input?>9
3. If you change to a Dedicated hot spare drive, type the ID number of one
available physical drive and press Enter.
*********Physical Drives Selection*********
ID Name Capacity
*9 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB
11 ST380013AS 80 GB
12 WDC WD1200JD-00FYB0 120 GB
Enter Physical Drive ID to select.
Press R to continue after you have finished
selecting Physical Drive.
Your input?>r
4. Press R and Enter to confirm the hot spare drive policy change.
The Screen returns to the Disk Array Properties menu.
Note: Be sure Auto Rebuilding is enabled (below).
Auto Rebuilding
Use this feature to enable the automatic rebuilding of a disk array that has gone
critical. This function must be enabled in order for a hot spare drive to work. See
Hot Spare Policy, above. To rebuild a disk array manually, see .
1. Press 9 and Enter to access the Auto Rebuilding Option.
Enable auto rebuilding for Disk Array 1(y/n)?>y
2. Press Y and Enter to enable Auto Rebuilding. Press N and Enter to leave
the setting unchanged.
The Screen returns to the Disk Array Properties menu.
PDM Auto Start
PDM (Predictive Data Migration) is a maintenance operation. VTrak checks
the bad block remapping table and keeps a count of disk drive errors. When
these reach the user-specified limits, PDM will migrate the data from the
suspect disk drive to a replacement.