Chapter 9: Support
I can access the VTrak over my company’s intranet. But I can’t access it
from an outside Internet connection. How do I make the Internet connection
This condition is not related to VTrak, but is due to your firewall and network
connection protocol. Contact your MIS Administrator.
With other Promise products, such as UltraTrak, I used the Host PC’s IP
address in WebPAM PRO to connect with the RAID subsystem. Why is
VTrak different?
UltraTrak uses In-Band SCSI technology to connect with the Host PC. VTrak
connects to the Host PC through a network connection. Therefore, it requires
its own IP address. VTrak’s iSCSI connection is used only to move data.
Why can a RAID 1 disk array on VTrak consist of only two disk drives?
On VTrak, RAID 1 disk arrays work in matched pairs. But you are not limited
to just one RAID 1 disk array. VTrak supports up to 7 RAID 1 disk arrays,
using up to 14 disk drives. Or you can create a single RAID 10 disk array
with data mirroring and up to 14 physical drives.
See page 207 for more information on the number of disk drives you can use
for each RAID level.
Are disk arrays on VTrak limited to 2.199 terabytes?
No. The 2.199 TB disk array size limit does not apply to VTrak. Check
whether your operating system supports disk arrays over 2.199 TB.
If disk arrays can exceed 2.199 TB on VTrak, why can’t I expand my disk
array beyond 2.199 TB?
The problem is a limitation of the Operating System and the number and size
of LBA sectors it can manage. See page 221 for more information and your
options for disk array expansion.
The CLU, WebPAM PRO and VTrak documentation use the term “logical
drive” or “disk array” where earlier Promise products use the term “array.”
Why did this change happen?
A disk array is an organized collection of physical disk drives. Logical drives
are made from disk arrays. A logical drive is the entity that your operating
system recognizes as a single volume (as if it were a single disk drive).
Promise separated the disk array and logical drive functions in order to
provide more RAID management options.
I have two UltraTraks and use WebPAM to monitor them. Can I use my
existing WebPAM setup to monitor the VTraks also?
No. Install WebPAM PRO from the VTrak Software CD.