Mounting the Outdoor Thermo/
Hygro Sensor
1. Hold the sensor’s mounting bracket flat
against the mounting surface and trace
the inside of the pilot holes with a pencil
to mark the screw locations.
2. Drill a small pilot hole (shallow and
slightly smaller in diameter than the sup-
plied M3
12 screws) in the center of
each marked location to guide the
3. Hold the bracket against the mounting
surface so the bracket and pilot holes
are aligned, then thread one of the sup-
plied M3
12 screws into each hole and
tighten them with a Phillips screwdriver.
4. To mount the sensor on the bracket,
press the grooved area on the sensor
against the clip-arm on the bracket so it
pops into place. Then press the sensor’s
modular cord into the guides on the
bracket’s arm and base.
Selecting a Location
Set the thermo/hygro/baro sensor indoors on
a flat surface (such as a desk or counter)
using its built-in stand, or mount it on an
indoor wall.
To avoid false atmospheric pres-
sure, temperature, and humidity readings, do
not place the sensor where it will be:
• outdoors
• in direct sunlight
• in water or in a location where it is likely
to get wet
• on or close to a surface that easily
absorbs or reflects heat (such as a win-
dow or metal surface)
• near hot or cold sources, such as
stoves, heating and air conditioning
vents, and radiators.
Before mounting the thermo/hygro/baro sen-
sor, install its batteries.
1. Slide the battery compartment down to
remove it.
2. Install four AAA batteries in the compart-
ment according to the polarity symbols
(+ and –) marked inside.
• Use only fresh batteries of the re-
quired size and recommended type.
• Do not mix old and new batteries, dif-
ferent types of batteries (standard, al-
kaline, or rechargeable), or recharge-
able batteries of different capacities.
3. Replace the cover.
Mounting the Thermo/Hygro/Baro
Sensor on a Wall
To mount the thermo/hygro/baro sensor on a
wall, you need a screw (not supplied) with a
head that fits into the keyhole slot on the
back of the sensor.
1. Drill a hole in the wall at the desired
mounting location.
2. Thread a screw into the wall until the
head extends about
inch from the
3. Position the keyhole slot over the screw
and slide the sensor down to secure it.