SHA1• 13
11. Install U2, one of the LM386 audio power amplifier ICs.
Check the orientation of this chip to make sure the dot or
notch representing pin one is in the same direction as shown
in the parts diagram. Make sure all eight pins are through
the board before soldering. Note that it is very easy to have
a pin folded under the IC instead of being though the holes.
This problem is easy to remedy before you solder the IC.
12. Install R8, a 2 ohm resistor (red-black-gold).
13. Install C9, one of the .1uF ceramic capacitors (Marked
104, or .1).
14. Install C13, a 100pF ceramic capacitor (Marked 101).
15 Using a scrap piece of component lead, install JMP5.
Note that this part does not need to be bent as shown in the
diagram, just make sure that it is installed in the correct
16. Install C4, a .01uF ceramic capacitor (Marked .01, 10n,
or 103).
17. Install R4, a 2 ohm resistor (red-black-gold).
18. Install U1, the remaining LM386 audio amplifier IC.
Again make sure that all eight pins are through the board
before soldering and that the part is installed in the correct
19. Install C11, a 100pF ceramic capacitor (Marked 101).
20. Install C5, a .1uF ceramic capacitor (Marked 104 or .1).
21. Install JMP4 using a scrap piece of component lead.
22. Install C2, a 470uF to 1000F electrolytic capacitor. Make
sure and mount this part in the correct direction! If you look
at the component you will see a stripe down one side,