
SHA1 15
35. Install C16, 10uF electrolytic capacitor. Watch polarity!
36. Install U3, the 7808 voltage regulator. You will want to
bend the center lead out and orient the part so that the
writing on the front of the part faces the outside of the board.
Solder all three leads.
37. Install C15, the last 10uF electrolytic capacitor. Again, be
sure to orient the cap as the silkscreen shows.
38. Install the battery connector by soldering the black wire
into the hole marked (-), and the red wire into the hole
marked (+).
39. Install J4, the power jack.
Well, it looks as if we finished our new headphone amplifier!
Now would be a good time to check out your assembly for any
mistakes. Check all of your solder joints for cold solder
connections, and then check all of your traces and pads for any
solder bridges. Last of all check the orientation of all your parts
against the parts layout diagram.