Chapter 9: Device Management
2. Check the checkboxes for those Event line items you want to enable
or disable, and where you want to send the information.
Tip: Enable or disable entire Categories by checking or clearing the
Category line checkboxes, respectively.
3. Click OK.
To cancel without saving changes:
Click Cancel.
To reset to factory defaults:
Click the Reset To Defaults button.
SNMP Agent Configuration
SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in
Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP
managers. Use the Event Logging page to configure the SNMP
connection between the Dominion KX II (SNMP Agent) and an SNMP
SNMP Trap Configuration
SNMP provides the ability to send traps, or notifications, to advise an
administrator when one or more conditions have been met. The
following table lists the Dominion KX II SNMP traps:
Trap Name Description
cimConnected A CIM is plugged into to the Dominion KX II
cimDisconnected A CIM is either unplugged from the Dominion
KX II port or powered-off.
cimUpdateCompleted CIM firmware update process completed.
cimUpdateStarted CIM firmware update process started.
configBackup The device configuration has been backed up.
configRestore The device configuration has been restored.
deviceUpdateFailed Device update has failed.
deviceUpgradeCompleted The Dominion KX II has completed update via an
RFP file.