Port Configuration Page
Port Configuration Page
The Port Configuration page displays a list of the Dominion KX II ports.
Ports connected to target servers or power strips are displayed in blue
and can be edited. For ports with no CIM connected or with a blank CIM
name, a default port name of Dominion-KX2_Port# is assigned, where
Port# is the number of the Dominion KX II physical port.
To change a port configuration:
1. Select Device Settings > Port Configuration. The Port Configuration
Page opens:
Figure 60: Port Configuration
This page is initially displayed in port number order, but can be
sorted on any of the fields by clicking on the column heading.
Port Number. Numbered from 1 to the total number of ports
available for the Dominion KX II unit.
Port Name. The name assigned to the port. A port name
displayed in black indicates that you cannot change the name
and that the port cannot be edited; port names displayed in blue
can be edited.