Events Menu Command Examples
admin > Config > events
admin > Config > events > add
admin > Config > events > smtp
Configuring Log
Configuration log command provides the administrator with the following commands to manage
the logging features of the Dominion SX server:
• cleareventlog
• eventlogfile
• eventsyslog
• nfsget
• nfssetkey
• portlog
• sendeventlog
• vieweventlog
Cleareventlog Command
The cleareventlog command clears the contents of the local event log.
The syntax of the cleareventlog command is:
Cleareventlog Command Example
admin > Config > Log > cleareventlog
Eventlogfile Command
The eventlogfile command controls and configures the logging of events to the local log.
The syntax of the eventlogfile command is:
eventlogfile [enable <true|false>] [size value] [style <wrap|flat>]
The eventlogfile command options are described in Table 8.
Table 8 Eventlogfile Command
enable <true|false>
Enable or disable the system event log logging.
size value
Maximum size of local log file (in bytes)
style <wrap|flat>
Specifies what action to take when the maximum size is reached:
wrap will cause the log to circle around when end is reached.
flat will cause logging to stop when the end is reached.
Eventlogfile Command Example
admin > Config > Log > eventlogfile enable true size 256000 style wrap
Eventsyslog Command
The eventsyslog command controls system event logging.
The syntax of the eventsyslog command is: