To view the current iptables ruleset
admin > Security >firewall >iptables –list
Clear the iptables rules
To clear the iptables rules.
admin > Security >firewall >iptables --flush
Save the configured settings
To save the iptables rules into the local database.
admin > Security >firewall >iptables-save
Execute this command once you have configured all the settings.
Kerberos Command
The kerberos command menu provides access to the commands used to configure the Kerberos
network authentication protocol. The Kerberos commands are listed in the table below.
Table 61 Kerberos Commands
gethostnamefile Get /etc/hosts in case of DNS failure file
getkrbconfig Get kerberos 5 configuration file
kadmin Kerberos admin client
kerberos Kerberos based Network Authentication
kinit get kerberos ticket
klist list kerberos ticket
Kerberos and DSX
DSX can use kerberos authentication by using the following steps. As a result , Kerberos-based
network mutual authentication and symmetric [ a.k.a. private/secret] key cryptography can be
achieved in the CLI and GUI of the DSX for remote user authentication.
See the MIT Kerberos
website for information about Kerberos, KDC, Kadmind , client machine
setup, and the FAQs related to these topics.
1. Set your krb5.conf stanzas and ftp it using getkrbconfig [ configuration settings available
in : http://www.faqs.org/faqs/kerberos-faq/general/section-38.html
2. Get a ticket use : kinit.
3. Use kadmin to add the keys to /etc/krb5.keytab for HTTP/FQDN@REALM and
host/FQDN@REALM .These keys are consistent across boots.
4. Remote authentication and authorization can be set up along with Kerberos
authentication. HTTP and telnet access will prompt you to enter username and password.
Currently Kerberos does not automatically map to local or remote usernames.
5. Enable Kerberos.
6. After a reboot, DSX is ready for secure telnet and HTTP protocol remote access.
Diagnostic Tips:
• Use the name command in the network menu to set the FQDN for DSX.
• Disable HTTP redirect from the services menu.
• Synchronize the time of the client machine. DSX machine, KDC and kadmind machines
using time menu and ntp option.