This section provides instructions for installing PTT communication software. First insert the PTT
CD into your CD drive. Double click on the folder Ptt258 then double click on Install. The PTT
communication software will then be installed on your C:\GBX subdirectory. To run PTT, type PTT
(then press enter) from the C:\GBX subdirectory. Within a few seconds the main menu, software
version I.D., and copyright notice will appear. Use the arrow keys and enter key to select items
from the menu bar at the top of the screen. First check the default options by selecting the
“Options” menu item. There are several items that can be changed. Most PC’s have several com-
munication ports. Port 1 is usually for direct connections and port 2 is usually used for internet
modems. The second option sets the communication speed. The default speed for RayTemp is
9600 Baud. Next is the print quality, 1 = draft mode (fast), 2 = medium, 3 = high resolution (but
slow). Press Ctrl-Enter to save your selection.
This “Laptop” selection from the menu bar opens up a window on the PC screen to receive for-
matted data and program information sent by a RayTemp control, connected at the serial (RS232)
port. From the main menu select "LapTop" and press enter. Connect the cable to the
RayTemp control and press F1 to begin communication. The screen and keyboard will operate
similar to the front panel but with enhanced features to take advantage of the larger screen. This
table shows the function keys for accessing all RayTemp display and programming features.
These keys apply to both the PC and LapTop display, except as noted. A screen saver clears the
display after five minutes. Press F1 thru F5 to restore the screen.
Key Action
F1 Press two keys for direct access to any screen
F2 Select next screen
F3 Select previous screen
F4 Increase program value
F5 Decrease program value
SPACE Select next field in a screen
BACK Select previous field in a screen
F6 Activate full-screen viewing (PC)
SHIFT Restore LapTop window (PC)