
FD TEXT - Fax Dial-Out
Use this screen to enter the phone number of the fax machine which
is to receive fax alarm messages, installation reports, and/or graphics. Example "ATDT5551212".
Edit text with SPACE, BACKSP, F4, and F5.
XX VALUE - Fax Graph Max Temp This value sets the highest value of the Y-axis tempera-
ture scale for all faxed graphs. This item is unrelated to PC graphics. Autoscaling is not support-
XN VALUE - Fax Graph Min Temp This value sets the lowest value of the Y-axis tempera-
ture scale for all faxed graphs. This item is unrelated to PC graphics. Autoscaling is not support-
XM VALUE - Fax on Day of Month A complete installation report with graphics of logged
data can be automatically faxed, once a month, to any group III fax machine. This value sets the
day of the month to transmit this data. The report consists of seven pages. The first two pages
give all program values and performance data, such as percent savings. The next three and one-
half pages are detailed graphs for the last seven days. The last one and one-half pages are trend
graphs for the last 12 months. The default day of zero disables this function.
XW VALUE - Fax on Day of Week Detailed graphs of logged data for the last seven days
can be automatically faxed, once a week, to any Group III fax machine. This value sets the day of
the week to transmit this data.
Value Transmit Day Graphs
0 None None
1 Monday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
2 Tuesday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
3 Wednesday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
4 Thursday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
5 Friday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
6 Saturday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
7 Sunday Last 7 days on 3 1/2 pages
8 Every Day Yesterday full size on 1 page