Chapter 5
Packet Classification and Labelling
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
5.2.3 Forwarding parameters.
Introduction In this section we will explain the parameters that need to be set to enable packet
forwarding throughout the entire network. This means that these values are only of
significance for outgoing fraffic.
TTLoverwrite The following parameters can be configured for routing purposes.
The TTL value is normaly set to a high number to avoid that packets get dropped.
For IGMP packets the TTL is by default set to 1. If we want IGMP packets to get
routed to the next router the TTL value should be set to 2.
Modify the label
Execute the following CLI command to configure the label parameters:
Show all labels defined Exectute the following CLI command to show all defined labels:
This command will return you all labels defined.
TTLoverwrite values Description
disable Disables the overwriting of the IP header TTL field with
the configured TTL value.
enable Enables the overwriting of the IP header TTL field with
the configured TTL value
TTL values Description
1..255 The time to live in number of hops (routers) that the
packet will be forwarded.
{Administrator}=>: label modify name mylabel classification overwrite
defclass 14 ackclass 14 bidirectional disabled inheritance disabled
tosmarking disabled
{Administrator}=>:label list
Name Class Def Ack Bidirect Inherit Tosmark Type Value Ttlover Ttl Use Trace
DSCP overwrite dscp defclass disabled disabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled
Interactive increase 8 8 disabled disabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled
Management increase 12 12 disabled disabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled
Video increase 10 10 disabled disabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled
VoIP overwrite 14 14 enabled enabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled
default increase default prioritize disabled disabled disabled tos 0 disabled 0 0 disabled