Chapter 6
Meters, queues and IPQoS
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
Meter delete command The delete command is used to delete a meter from the meters list.
For example: the following CLI command will delete the meter with name “test2”
from the meter list.
Meter list command The list command will display a list of all meters configured.
The output could look something like this :
Meter start command By using the start command a meter can be activated.
For example: the command below will start the meter with name “my-meter”
If no start command is given the meter will not be active and rate limiting will not
To check if the meter is running or not you can use the list command.
Notice that the meter listed above is now active as it’s state is [STARTED]
{Administrator}=>:ipqos meter delete name my_meter
{Administrator}=>:ipqos meter list
my_meter [STOPPED]: LABEL: INTF:
DROP : droprate : 102400kbps burst: 64KB action: drop
MARK : markrate : 102400kbps burst: 64KB action: count
tosmarking : enabled type : tos tos : 0
classification: decrease class: 0
The meter listed above is not active as it’s state is [STOPPED]
{Administrator}=>:ipqos meter start name my_meter
{Administrator}=>:ipqos meter list
my_meter [STARTED]: LABEL: INTF:
DROP : droprate : 102400kbps burst: 64KB action: drop
MARK : markrate : 102400kbps burst: 64KB action: count
tosmarking : enabled type : tos tos : 0
classification: decrease class: 0