of Restatement Ad
ustments for the
ear ended December 31, 2001:
Accruals and Related party Plant and Total
provisions transactions equipment adjustments
Revenues — external
– – –
Revenues — related parties
9,800 9,800
9,800 – 9,800
Cost of revenues (13,700) (60,747) 8 (74,439)
Gross profit 13,700 70,547 (8) 84,239
Selling, general and administrative expense (55) – (2,821) (2,876)
Research and development expense (13,358) – (319) (13,677)
ecial char
other s
ecial char
es (8,095) –
Other income (expense) — net (435) 75 94 (266)
Interest expense
– (2,821) (2,821)
Total restatement adjustments 34,773 70,622 405 105,800
(a) Accruals and
The adjustments primarily correct certain accruals, provisions or other transactions which were either initially recorded incorrectly in
prior periods or not properly released or adjusted for changes in estimates and/or assumptions in the appropriate periods. The adjustments
primarily impacted cost of revenues, selling, general and administrative expense, research and development expense, special charges and
other expense and resulted in an increase to the net loss in the year ending December 31, 2002 and a decrease to the net loss for the year
ended December 31, 2001. These adjustments are described below.
2002 2001
Increase (decrease) from adjustments of accruals and provisions
Cost of revenues 9,030 (13,700)
Selling, general and administrative expense (420) (55)
Research and development expense 6,690 (13,358)
Special charges 2,646 (8,095)
Other expense 1,541 435
Foreign exchange (306) –
Net increase (decrease) to net loss
19,181 (34,773)
Details of the items listed above are provided in the following tables.
Cost o
The variations to cost of revenues were due to the following factors:
2002 2001
Product related 1,036 (4,194)
Customer related (1,042) (743)
Related party (157) (500)
Employee related 4,423 (4,330)
Other accounts payable 2,010 (920)
Tax 2,645 (3,110)
Other 115 97
Net increase (decrease) of cost of revenues
9,030 (13,700)