Purchase obligation amounts in the above table represent the minimum obligation under our supply arrangements related to product and/or
services entered into in the normal course of our business. Where the arrangement specifies quantity, pricing and timing information, we have
included that arrangement in the amounts presented above. In certain cases, these arrangements define an end date of the contract, but do not
specify timing of payments between December 31, 2003 and the end date of the agreement. In those cases, we have estimated the timing of the
payments based on forecasted usage rates.
During the third quarter of 2003, we renegotiated a key supply arrangement that was initially put into place prior to the industry and economic
downturn that commenced in 2001. The renegotiated agreement is reflective of the current market environment, and the terms include a
reduction in our minimum spending levels plus an extension in the time period, from 2004 to 2009, within which these minimum levels must
be met. As well, we are no longer obligated to compensate the supplier for direct costs if the minimum spending levels are not met. The
renegotiated agreement includes a graduated liquidated damages remedy for the benefit of the supplier if the minimum spending levels are not
met by the end of the agreement in 2009. However, based upon the renegotiated terms, we expect to meet the minimum spending levels. The
remaining minimum purchase obligation has been reflected in the contractual cash obligations table above.
Outsourcing contract amounts in the table above represent our minimum contractual obligation for services provided to us primarily related to
a portion of information services, payroll, capital services, accounts payable and training and human resource functions. The amount payable
under our outsourcing contracts is variable to the extent that our workforce fluctuates from the baseline levels contained in the contracts and
our contractual obligation could increase above such baseline amount. If our workforce were to fall below the baseline levels in the contracts,
we would be required to make the minimum payments included above.
Balance sheet provisions of $64 for workforce reduction costs, included in restructuring in current liabilities in the accompanying consolidated
financial statements, have not been reflected in the contractual cash obligations table above. The remaining balance sheet provision of $456,
net of approximately $317 in estimated sublease revenues, related to contract settlement and lease costs and is expected to be substantially
drawn down by the end of 2013.
Contractual cash obli
Payments due
Contractual cash obligations
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Thereafter
Long-term debt
$ 119 $ 16 $ 1,492 $ 15 $ 1,816 $ 552 $ 4,010
Operating leases
163 159 145 131 113 649 1,360
Purchase obligations 1,209 1,123 102 –
– 2,434
Outsourcing contracts 161 104 104 104 104 104 681
ations under s
ecial char
es 14595725949248668
Pension, post-retirement and post-employment obligations 170
Other long-term liabilities reflected on the balance sheet 13 6 4 3 3 47 76
Total contractual cash obligations $ 1,980 $ 1,503 $ 1,919 $ 312 $ 2,085 $ 1,600 $ 9,399
(a) Amounts represented our known, undiscounted, minimum contractual payment obligations under our long-term obligations and include amounts identified as contractual
obligations in current liabilities of the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
(b) Included principal payments due on long term debt and $178 of capital lease obligations. As described in note 12 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements,
we have entered into certain interest rate swap contracts which swap fixed rate payments for floating rate payments. For additional information, also see note 11 “Long-
term debt, credit and support facilities” to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
(c) For additional information, see note 14 “Commitments” to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
urchase obli
ations under s
ecial char