R61509V Target Spec
Rev. 0.11 April 25, 2008, page 112 of 181
VSYNC Interface
The R61509V supports VSYNC interface, which enables displaying a moving picture via system interface
by synchronizing the display operation with the VSYNCX signal. VSYNC interface can realize moving
picture display with minimum modification to the conventional system operation.
DB17-0, 8-1
Figure 33 VSYNC Interface
The VSYNC interface is selected by setting DM1-0 = 10 and RM = 0. In VSYNC interface operation, the
internal display operation is synchronized with the VSYNCX signal. By writing data to the internal RAM
at faster than the calculated minimum speed (internal display operation speed + margin), it becomes
possible to rewrite the moving picture data without flickering the display and display a moving picture via
system interface.
The display operation is performed in synchronization with the internal clock signal generated from the
internal oscillator and the VSYNCX signal. The display data is written in the internal RAM so that the
R61509V rewrites the data only within the moving picture area and minimize the number of data transfer
required for moving picture display.
RAM data
write via
system interface
Display operation
synchronized with
internal clock
Figure 34 Moving Picture Data Transfers via VSYNC Interface