
R61509V Target Spec
Rev. 0.11 April 25, 2008, page 167 of 181
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 82
Notes: 1. If used beyond the absolute maximum ratings, the LSI may be permanently damaged. It is
strongly recommended to use the LSI under the condition within the electrical characteristics in
normal operation. If exposed to the condition not within the electrical characteristics, it may affect
the reliability of the device.
2. Make sure VCCGND, and IOVCCGND.
3. Make sure VCIAGND.
4. Make sure DDVDH AGND.
5. Make sure DDVDHVCL.
6. Make sure AGNDVGL.
7. Make sure VCIVGL.
8. The DC/AC characteristics of the die and wafer products are guaranteed at 85.
Items Symbol Unit Value Note
Power supply voltage 1 VCC, IOVCC V -0.3 ~ +4.6 1, 2
Power supply voltage 2 VCI – AGND V -0.3 ~ +4.6 1, 3
Power supply voltage 3 DDVDH – AGND V -0.3 ~ +6.5 1, 4
Power supply voltage 4 AGND – VCL V -0.3 ~ +4.6 1
Power supply voltage 5 DDVDH – VCL V -0.3 ~ +9.0 1, 5
Power supply voltage 7 AGND– VGL V -0.3 ~ +13.0 1, 6
Power supply voltage 8 VGH – VGL V -0.3 ~ +30.0 1
Power supply voltage 9 VCI – VGL V -0.3 ~ +6.5 1, 7
Power supply voltage 10 VPP1 V -0.3 ~ +10.0 1
Power supply voltage 11 VPP3A V -0.3 ~ +0.3 1
Input voltage Vt V -0.3 ~ IOVCC + 0.3 1
Operation temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 1, 8
Storage temperature Tstg -55 ~ +110 1