Applications Engineering
6.2. System Clock
After reset, the main system clock (denoted in the spec as f1) is set up to run at 20MHz. The ZigBee
stack assumes that the MCU is running at this operating frequency. Please do not make any changes to
the clock.
6.3. Interrupts
The interrupt vector table is located in the ZigBee stack and real-time operating system (RTOS) program
memory area (ZbROM). Therefore, you cannot implement any interrupt sub-routines other than the ones
listed below. To implement your own sub-routines for those interrupts, you need to re-direct their
respective interrupt vectors to the location of your interrupt service routines by calling the pre-defined
functions SetxxxInt().
Available User Interrupts Interrupt Routine Vector Set Function
Timer A0 void SetTimerA0Int(long funct_addr);
Timer B1 void SetTB1Int(long funct_addr);
UART 2 Rx void SetUart2RxInt(long funct_addr);
INT2 void SetInt2Int(long funct_addr);
INT3 void SetInt3Int(long funct_addr);
DMA 0 void SetDma0Int(long funct_addr);
DMA 1 void SetDma1Int(long funct_addr);
6.4. Flash and RAM Usage
The memory areas shaded in turquoise are available for your use.
Table 6-2: Flash Memory Usage
Flash Address Range Usage
FoUSB Monitor Area (2KB)
User code/const space (30KB)
ZbROM Area (stack and RTOS) (64KB)
User Data Flash Area (2KB)
MAC Address (Don’t Erase Block)
Table 6-3: RAM Memory Usage
RAM Address Range Usage
FoUSB Monitor Area
User global variable space (896 bytes)
ZbROM area, user task stack <100 bytes
MCU Register Area
6.5. Stack RAM Usage
Try to minimize the allocation of local variables that use stack space inside of functions. Remember that
your user application is running as a task in an RTOS with a limited amount of stack space allocated for it.
For this ZbRom system, that value is fixed and cannot be changed. You must limit the RAM space used
by your local variables and function calls to less than 100 bytes.
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.2 14/ 33 August 2006