Applications Engineering
1.0 Introduction
The RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK kit is a low-cost ZigBee demonstration kit for evaluating wireless ZigBee
connectivity solutions based on the Renesas M16C/28 group of microcontrollers (MCU).
A small ZigBee Personal Area Network (PAN) can be set up, monitored and analyzed with the included
hardware and software.
The kit contains one RF Sniffer board that connects to a PC’s USB port via an RTA-FoUSB-MON unit,
which comes pre-programmed to function as the RF Sniffer Interface (RFSI). RF Sniffer software installed
on the PC allows you to record and analyze ZigBee data packets. The software can also display the
network topology of a ZigBee network. For more information on the RF Sniffer software and hardware,
see the RF Sniffer User’s Manual, accessible via Start > (All) Programs > Renesas > RF SnifferV.x.xx
A second RTA-FoUSB-MON unit included in the kit comes pre-programmed to function as a Flash
Programmer and In-Circuit-Debugger (ICD). Three ZigBee Demonstration Kit (ZDK) boards come pre-
programmed with demo software that allows you to quickly set up a small ZigBee PAN comprised of a
ZigBee network Coordinator and two ZigBee network Routers.
The kit comes with a complete software development tool chain for Renesas MCUs, including High-
performance Embedded Workshop (HEW), which includes Integrated Development Environment (IDE),
Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Software Debugger; NC30WA C-compiler, assembler and linker; and
Flash-over-USB™ (FoUSB) Programming software.
A real-time, source-level debug environment is implemented using the HEW debugging interface with the
RTA-FoUSB-MON Flash Programmer/ICD. The Flash-over-USB
(FoUSB) Programmer software, in
combination with the ICD, allows in-system programming of the M16C/28 Flash MCUs on the ZDK and
RF Sniffer target boards.
The ICD and firmware provide a convenient Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface between the ZDK
boards and the host PC. This interface reduces resource requirements on the M16C/28 MCU and allows
faster code downloads. It also can be used with many other Renesas Flash MCUs, starter kits, and your
own Renesas MCU-based target boards.
This ZDK provides a ZigBee stack and a real-time operating system (RTOS) for the stack in binary form.
Your own application code can interface to the ZigBee stack via documented Application Programming
Interface (API) function calls. Two binary files are provided in the directory
ZbRom_ZMD28_FFD_Vxx.mot contains the ZigBee stack and RTOS for Full Function Devices (FFD), i.e.
ZigBee Routers or Coordinators. The module also contains all necessary MCU initialization routines.
ZbRom_ZMD28_RFD_Vxx.mot contains the ZigBee stack and RTOS for Reduced Function Devices
(RFD), i.e. ZigBee End Devices. It has a smaller memory footprint than the FFD binary, leaving more
memory available for your own application code. The module also contains all necessary MCU
initialization routines.
Sample projects for the Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop (HEW) allow you to quickly
create your own ZigBee coordinator, router or end device.
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.2 4/ 33 August 2006