Receiving Internet Fax Documents
Received Images
Here is an example of an Internet Fax document sent from this machine and re-
ceived on a computer using the Outlook Express e-mail application.
The received image varies according to the e-mail application.
❒ When Internet Fax e-mail is sent to computer, the following information is al-
ways inserted in the e-mail text “
This E-mail was sent from “Host Name”
(product name) Queries to: “Administrator's e-mail address””. To
check the host name and e-mail address, see “System Settings”, General Set-
tings Guide.
1. E-mail transmitted without speci-
fying a subject in “E-mail Options”.
2. E-mail transmitted with a subject
specified in “E-mail Options”.
3. From
The name (e-mail address) of the sender
4. Date
The date and time of e-mail transmission
5. To
The e-mail address of the recipient
6. Subject
Shows the subject specified in “E-mail
Options” at the time of transmission. If
no subject is specified, one is automati-
cally assigned in the format shown in 1
7. The message is inserted in all e-
mail. “xxxx” is the machine name.
8. Attachment File
Any document included by the sender is
displayed as an attached document.