
T.37 Full Mode
This machine is T.37 full mode compatible. T.37 full mode is an international
standard for Internet Fax transmission. (ITU-T Recommendation, RFC2532)
When an Internet Fax communication is made between T.37 full mode compat-
ible machines, the receiver side sends the return receipt (dispatched) in response
to the reception notice request attached to the sent e-mail. This return receipt in-
cludes the receiver's reception capability information (compression type, paper
size, and resolution). When the receiver is programmed in the Address Book as
the full mode destination, the sender side automatically registers the received in-
formation in the Address Book. This allows you to send a subsequent Internet
Fax document to that receiver based on this information.
Returning a Return Receipt
When e-mail is received, if the sender requests reception notice, the receiver
sends a return receipt that includes the receiving machine's capability (com-
pression type, paper size, and resolution).
Registering the Received Reception Confirmation Contents
When the sender receives the return receipt that includes the receiver's recep-
tion capability, the sender checks that the final recipient address sent is pro-
grammed in the Address Book. If it is programmed as a full mode destination,
the sender automatically registers the receiver's reception capability. The reg-
istered reception capability is updated each time the sender receives new re-
ception capability information. The sender can send documents to the
receiver based on this information.
If the receiver is programmed as the simple mode machine or not pro-
grammed in the Address Book, the receiver's reception capability cannot be
If you know the receiver's reception capability, you can set it manually.
Requesting a Reception Notice
When the receiver's machine supports T.37 full mode and is programmed as
a full mode machine in the Address Book, the machine requests the reception
notice from the receiver. Then, the machine will receive the return receipt
(sent) that includes the receiver's reception capability.
Use Web Image Monitor to manually program a receiver's reception capabil-
ity information.
If you use Internet Fax transmission, you can send documents to multiple
destinations at once. However, if you specify full mode destinations, since
each destination may have a different reception capability, transmission is
done one by one in the specified transmission order.
p.99 “Requesting a Reception Notice”
p.178 “Programming Destination Information from Web Browser”