
Other Transmission Features
Transmitting Journal by E-mail
To transmit the Journal by e-mail,
it is necessary to make settings
with User Parameters. See p.166
User Parameters (switch 21, bit
The Journal is automatically transmit-
ted to an e-mail address of the admin-
istrator by every 50 communications.
A CSV format Journal is attached to
the e-mail.
This machine does not store sent
CSV files. It is recommended that
you double-check the e-mail ad-
dress of an administrator before
the Journal is transmitted. If the e-
mail address of the administrator
is not correct, your important Jour-
nal may be lost and sent CSV file is
not left on the fax machine. See
File Transfer, Network Guide.
If the administrator address is
wrong, you may not be able to ac-
quire Journal.
If the Journal in e-mail format fails
to be transmitted, the Journal is
printed out.
The name of an attached CSV file is
JOURNAL+year, month, hours, min-
utes. For example, the file name trans-
mitted in 14:40:12 on 20th, March, 2005
is JOURNAL20050320144012.csv.
The subject of Journal by e-mail be-
gins with Journal.
Journal by E-mail
If the setting is made so that the Jour-
nal is transmitted as e-mail, it is trans-
mitted to the e-mail address of an
This section describes the CSV format
of the Journal attached with e-mail.
To transmit the Journal, it is neces-
sary to make settings with User Pa-
rameters. See p.166 User
Parameters (switch 21, bit 4).
You can display a sender name
with the User Parameters. See
p.166 User Parameters (switch
04, bit 5).
To set the administrator e-mail ad-
dress, see File Transfer, Network
Depending on security settings,
the Destination/Sender name may
not appear.
JupterC2_Fax_EN-F_FM.book Page 80 Monday, November 29, 2004 3:48 PM