Other Transmission Features
Transmitting Journal by E-mail
To transmit the Journal by e-mail,
it is necessary to make settings
with User Parameters. See p.166
“User Parameters” (switch 21, bit
The Journal is automatically transmit-
ted to an e-mail address of the admin-
istrator by every 50 communications.
A CSV format Journal is attached to
the e-mail.
❒ This machine does not store sent
CSV files. It is recommended that
you double-check the e-mail ad-
dress of an administrator before
the Journal is transmitted. If the e-
mail address of the administrator
is not correct, your important Jour-
nal may be lost and sent CSV file is
not left on the fax machine. See
“File Transfer”, Network Guide.
❒ If the administrator address is
wrong, you may not be able to ac-
quire Journal.
❒ If the Journal in e-mail format fails
to be transmitted, the Journal is
printed out.
The name of an attached CSV file is
“JOURNAL+year, month, hours, min-
utes”. For example, the file name trans-
mitted in 14:40:12 on 20th, March, 2005
is “JOURNAL20050320144012.csv”.
❒ The subject of Journal by e-mail be-
gins with “Journal”.
Journal by E-mail
If the setting is made so that the Jour-
nal is transmitted as e-mail, it is trans-
mitted to the e-mail address of an
This section describes the CSV format
of the Journal attached with e-mail.
❒ To transmit the Journal, it is neces-
sary to make settings with User Pa-
rameters. See p.166 “User
Parameters” (switch 21, bit 4).
❒ You can display a sender name
with the User Parameters. See
p.166 “User Parameters” (switch
04, bit 5).
❒ To set the administrator e-mail ad-
dress, see “File Transfer”, Network
❒ Depending on security settings,
the Destination/Sender name may
not appear.
JupterC2_Fax_EN-F_FM.book Page 80 Monday, November 29, 2004 3:48 PM