Functions That Can Be Used Together (Dual Access)
Job you wish to carry out at the same time
(Second selection)
Job currently in progress
(First selection)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
1. Storing to Memory
2. Printing from Memory
✔ ✖✖✖✖✖✖✖
3. Copying
✖✖ ✖✖✔✖✔✔
4. Printing an Automatic Report
✔✖✖ ✖✖✖✖✖
5. Immediate Transmission
✖✖✖✖ ✖✖✖✖
6. Memory Transmission
✔✖✔✖✖ ✖✖✖
7. Receiving and Printing a Fax
✔✖✖✖✖✖ ✖✖
8. Receiving a Fax to Memory
✔✖✔✖✖✖✖ ✖
9. Transmitting a Service Report
✔: Possible, ✖: Not possible
Stored Numbers (Long term)
❐ 10 Quick Dial keys, each of which can hold an individual number. Any three of
the Quick Dial keys can hold a group of numbers.
❐ 50 individual numbers stored as two-digit Speed Dial codes (see page 21).
❐ Three groups, each of which can hold up to 30 destinations.
❐ 30 CSI or RTI codes (possibly used as wild cards) for authorized reception.
Stored Destinations
❐ You can send to as many as 30 locations for one job.
❐ Up to 100 destinations can be set at any one time. (Ex: message A to 25
destinations, message B to 50, message C to 24 and finally one immediate
transmission job you’re programming in now. Total: 100)