Publication 1771-6.5.132 - June 2000
Before You Begin 1-9
exactly where in each device’s total data to find the desired data
the size of the input data/output data
exactly where to map the input or output data for your
processor to read or write
RSNetWorx Software as a
Configuration Tool
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software is used to configure the 1771-SDN
module’s data tables. This software tool connects to the 1771-SDN
module over the DeviceNet network via a PC RS–232 interface
(1770–KFD module), or PC Card (1784-PCD, -PCID, or PCIDS).
Data In This Table RSNetWorx Configuration
SCT • basic operation
• module parameters
• interscan delay
• background poll ratio
1771-SDN Module Configuration
SLT • device-specific
identification data
Scanlist Editor (SLE)
• data transfer method
• transmit/receive data size
Edit Device I/O Parameters
• input and output data
source and destination
These values can be configured
automatically through the
AutoMap function or manually
through the Data Table Map.
Interscan delay is the time between
I/O scans (polled and strobed). It is
the time the 1771-SDN module will
wait between the last poll message
request and the start of the next scan
Background poll ratio sets the
frequency of poll messages to a
device in relation to the number of
I/O scans. For example, if the ratio
is set at 10, that device will be
polled once every 10 scans.
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software can also
communicate with the 1771-SDN module via a
ControlNet, Ethernet, or Data Highway Plus network.
See chapter 5.