11—Input and Track Channel Tools
152 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
5. ChLink
When CHLink (“Channel Link”) is turned on, the current channel becomes
linked to the channel next to it. If the current channel is:
—it’s linked to the even-numbered channel to its right.
—it’s linked to the odd-numbered channel to its left.
When channels are linked, you can change a CH EDIT parameter’s value in both
channels at once by changing it in either of the linked channels. This can be especially
helpful when two channels control the left and right sides of a stereo signal.
When you link input or track channels, each resulting pair of inputs or tracks acts as a
single stereo object during routing, with a single input and output connection point.
6. AUX Send Controls 1-8
The AUX Send Controls 1-8 allow you to send a copy of the
channel’s signal to an Aux bus routed to an internal effect or
output jack or connector. There’s a separate pair of controls for
sending the channel’s signal to each of the eight Aux busses.
(To learn more about the Aux sends, see Chapter 15.)
The Send Status parameter
—turns the channel’s send to the Aux bus on or off. Select:
—so that no signal is sent to the Aux bus from the channel.
Pre or Pst (depending on the Aux bus’s current configuration)
—to turn on the send to
the Aux bus from the channel. See below for more details.
• The Send Level parameter sets the amount of the channel’s signal to be sent to the
Aux bus. The range is from -
to 6 dB.
If the Aux bus is configured as one of a linked pair of
Aux busses, its Send Level control changes in
appearance and behavior. It sets the amount of the
channel’s signal to be sent to both linked busses. The
Send Pan knob that appears controls the signal’s
position in the stereo image created by the two linked
Aux busses.
When two channels are linked, their PAN and FADER parameters change in
appearance and behave differently. See Page 156 and Page 154, respectively, for more.
When you link two channels, the VS-2480 automatically moves their faders to 0dB, or to
their most recent linked level value. When you unlink a pair of linked channels, both
channels are reset to 0dB.
When channels are linked, you can individually adjust their FADER and PAN settings
on the PRM.V— “parameter view”—screen (Page 167). You can press ENTER/YES when
FADER’s selected to jump to its parameter view.
The F.LINK parameter (Page 155) links only the channels’ faders if you want to retain
individual control of their other parameters.
Send Status
Send Level Send Pan
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