15—The Aux and Direct Busses
206 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
Sending a Signal to an Aux Bus
You can send an input, track or FX return channel’s signal to an Aux bus in two ways:
• Each input, track and FX return channel has a set of CH EDIT AUX send controls
that let you send a copy of the channel’s signal to any of the eight Aux busses. These
controls, and how to use them, are described on Page 206.
• In addition, you can send signals from your input, track and FX return channels to a
selected Aux bus using the PAN/AUX SEND 1-8 knobs. See “Activating Knob or
Fader Control of Aux Send Levels” on Page 141.
You can configure any Aux bus to receive channel signals from before or after a
channel’s fader level control. See Page 207.
Stereo Aux Busses
The VS-2480 allows you to link odd/even pairs of Aux busses so that each pair acts as a
single stereo object. You can send a channel’s signal to a pair of linked Aux busses and
use a panning control to place the signal’s position within the stereo field they create.
This is a great tool when you’re using two Aux busses to create a stereo headphone mix
for performers—when the busses are linked, you’ll have full control of the stereo
imaging in the mix (Page 211). It can also be handy when you’re sending signals to an
internal—or external—effect that has discreet left and right signal paths (see the
algorithm drawings in the
VS-2480 Appendices
for the structures of its internal effects.)
With linking, an Aux bus is linked to the Aux bus next to it. If the Aux bus is:
—it’s linked to the even-numbered Aux bus to its right.
—it’s linked to the odd-numbered Aux bus to its left.
Each Aux bus’s configuration determines whether or not it’s linked to its odd/even
partner. See “Configuring an Aux Bus” on Page 207.
Aux Bus Levels
As with any other signal, you need to make sure that the Aux bus’s level isn’t too quiet
or loud. Rather than having to return to the individual channels’ AUX send controls to
solve a problem, you can simply adjust the Aux bus’s master level fader.
Metering Aux Bus and Direct Bus Levels
2. If “AUXDIR” isn’t visible above F4, press PAGE until it is.
3. Press F4 (AUXDIR)—meters for the eight Aux busses appear at the left of the
meters display. Just to their right are meters for the eight Direct busses.
Chapter 8 discusses how the Home screen’s meters work.
For guidelines on setting Aux bus levels, see “How Do I Get Good Levels?” on Page 58.
Aux bus
Direct bus
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