Keyboard commands
Note: Use only the numeric keys above the keyboard to initiate the
keyboard commands from the remote unit.
Do not use the numeric keypad.
Command Key Sequence
Command Mode [L-Ctrl] + [L-Shift] + [F10]
Exit Command Mode and save
Exit Command Mode without saving
[L-Shift] + [ESC]
Select Channel 1, 2, 3, or 4 [1] / [2] / [3] / [4]
Select Channel 0 [0] (select all channels)
Reset EQ & Delay values [L-Ctrl] + [Home]
Next Assisted EQ setting [L-Ctrl] + [PgUp]
Previous Assisted EQ setting [L-Ctrl] + [PgDn]
Increase RED delay [R] + [R-arrow]
Decrease RED delay [R] + [L-arrow]
Increase Green delay [G] +[R-arrow]
Decrease Green delay [G] + [L-arrow]
Increase Blue delay [B] + [R-arrow]
Decrease Blue delay [B] + [L-arrow]
Toggle RED delay [L-Ctrl] + [R]
Toggle GREEN delay [L-Ctrl] + [G]
Toggle BLUE delay [L-Ctrl] + [B]
Reset EQ values [L-Ctrl] + [End]
Increase LF EQ (Course) [L] + [Up Arrow]
Decrease LF EQ (Course) [L] + [Dn Arrow]
Increase LF EQ (Fine) [L] + [R-Arrow]
Decrease LF EQ (Fine) [L] + [L-Arrow]
Increase HF EQ (Course) [H] + [Up Arrow]
Decrease HF EQ (Course) [H] + [Dn Arrow]
Increase HF EQ (Fine) [H] + [R-Arrow]
Decrease HF EQ (Fine) [H] + [L-Arrow]
Reset keyboard and mouse [F1]
Send NULL mouse byte [F3]
Reset to factory defaults [L-Ctrl] + [F9]
Toggle Unit Private Mode [Scroll Lock]
Table 1. Keyboard Commands
NOTE: All keyboard commands are initiated from the Remote unit.
Before any keyboard command can be issued, the unit must
be in the command mode and a channel selected.