Reset EQ & Delay values – [L-Ctrl] + [Home]
Issuing this command resets the LF and HF equalization and the
red, green, and blue delay values for the selected channel.
Next Assisted EQ setting – [L-Ctrl] + [PgUp]
This command resets the LF and HF equalization settings, then
each time the command is issued, incrementally steps through a
table of preset LF and HF equalization values for different cable
lengths in 25m increments from 0 to 375m. After finding the best
setting, fine tuning of the HF and LF equalization may be needed.
Perform the fine tuning after adjusting for any color skew.
Previous Assisted EQ setting – [L-Ctrl] + [PgDn]
This command decreases the LF and HF equalization settings by
25m. Use this command in conjunction with the Next Assisted EQ
setting command to obtain the best setting for the select channel.
(Refer to Figure 11 – Video adjustment test card)
Increase RED delay – [R] + [R-Arrow]
Each time this command is issued, the RED video component is
delayed an incremental step from 0 to 42ns max. in 2.8 ns steps.
Decrease RED delay – [R] + [L-Arrow]
Use this command along with the increase RED delay to properly
align the RED video component.
Increase GREEN delay – [G] + [R-Arrow]
Each time this command is issued, the GREEN video component is
delayed an incremental step from 0 to 42ns max. in 2.8 ns steps.
Decrease GREEN delay – [G] + [L-Arrow]
Use this command along with the increase GREEN delay to
properly align the GREEN video component.
Increase BLUE delay – [B] + [R-Arrow]
Each time this command is issued, the BLUE video component is
delayed an incremental step from 0 to 42ns max. in 2.8 ns steps.
Decrease BLUE delay – [B] + [L-Arrow]
Use this command along with the increase BLUE delay to properly
align the BLUE video component.