This item sets the font type for the computer label. To change the
font, select “Font” and press enter. Use the up/down arrow keys to
select a new font type and press enter.
The font choices are:
8 x 16 modern
8 x 16 classic
16 x 24 modern
16 x 24 classic
16 x 32 modern
16 x 32 classic
The actual size of the font will vary
depending on the resolution of the video.
As the resolution increases, the fonts
become smaller.
The modern font is sans-serif, the classic is
similar to Times.
Configure security
Figure 9. Configure security
The “Configure security” menu allows for setting a configuration
password and an access password. The configuration password
restricts access to the configuration menus and the access
password limits access to the connected computers.
Configure security
Protects access to configuration menu, up to 8 characters
Configuration password ********
Access password ********
Access time (minutes) 999