Configuration password
To assign a “Configuration password”, select it from the “Configure
security” menu and press enter. An input box will appear. Type in
the desired configuration password (case sensitive, 8 chars/max)
and press enter. A confirmation box will display, re-type the
password and press enter. When the password is saved, the next
time the configuration menu is called up (<Ctrl>, F12), this password
must be entered.
Access password
This feature is used to restrict unauthorized access to the connected
computers. To assign an access password, select it from the menu
and press enter. Enter this password the same way as you entered
the configuration password. When the UltraView Pro is powered on
or if you disconnect from a computer, a login box will display
requesting the access password.
Access time (minutes)
The access time setting is used to automatically log out of a switch
after the set time period. When there is no keyboard or mouse
activity for this time setting, the user is automatically logged out. To
change this value, select it from the menu and hit enter. An input
box will display for a new access time value. Enter the new time in
minutes and hit enter. Valid times are 1 to 999 minutes.
Logging off the system
To log off the system and lock the keyboard enter <Ctrl> and the L
key to disconnect from the switch. To gain access to the connected
computers, an access password must be entered if one has been
Resetting the passwords
The passwords can be reset if they are ever forgotten. To reset
them, first turn off the UltraView Pro and disconnect the power cord
or power adapter. Carefully remove the top chassis cover exposing
the PCB. Put a jumper on the two pins labeled “Password reset
jumper” and power on the switch. Call up the configure security
menu and enter a new configuration password, access password
and access time. Press <Esc> to return to the main menu. Select
“Exit” and press enter. You will be prompted to save the changes.
Select “YES” and press enter. The new password settings will be
saved in flash memory. Next, turn off the UltraView Pro and remove
the installed jumper. Replace the top chassis cover and power the
switch back up. The new passwords will be active after power is