
The installation assumes the following:
You have an active Ethernet TCP/IP network.
You are connecting the UltraLink to a standalone
computer or KVM switch.
You have a PC on the network where you will
install the Viewer software.
Connect the cables to the UltraLink.
Connect your keyboard, monitor, and mouse to the
connectors on the bottom row as shown.
Connect the network cable (not provided) to your
10MB or 100MB Ethernet network port.
Connect the DB25 connector to a KVM switch or to
a standalone computer with one or the other
provided cables.
Note: These instructions do not apply to installation of
the local KVM port, please refer to the UltraLink
manual for instructions on how to connect it.
UltraLink configuration
Configure the UltraLink IP address
Power on the UltraLink and you will see its
start-up splash screen. Wait for the green screen.
Hit F10 to go to the UltraLink configuration. The
screen changes color from green to gray.
Hit F1 if you want to read some help.
Enter a user ID of “admin” with no password.
Enter the IP address, subnet mask, optional
gateway address, TCP port, and Speed/duplex.
Hit F10 to save the network information.
The UltraLink is now active at this address.
Use the DB25 to DB25 cable to connect to
the KVM port of a Rose KVM switch.
Use the DB25 to HD15-PS2-PS2 cable to
connect to a standalone computer or another
KVM switch.