Using a KVM Switch
Switch File Import and Export
The Key Code column on the KVM Switch tab of the Settings menu defines
keyboard events to make a KVM switch select a port. Key Code is automatically
defined in for KVM devices defined in the Device list box.
A custom KVM switch requires you to specify the key codes. To enter key codes,
enter the text on the keyboard’s key tops with the following exceptions:
• Remove spaces from keys that use two words, e.g. PrintScreen
• Tab is Tab
• Ctrl, Shift, and Alt are designated left or right by a preceding L or R, e.g.
LCtrl or RShift
• Keys normally represent a down and
an up stroke. Designate down and up
strokes separately by adding -up or –dn, e.g. LCtrl-dn H LCtrl-up
• Precede keypad keys with KP, e.g. KP8
• Arrow keys are spelled: Larrow, Rarrow, Uarrow, DArrow
• The key is spelled: BackSpace
The Viewer validates keystrokes. If there are invalid keystrokes, a message dialog
indicates the problem found and summarize the rules for entering keystrokes.
Figure 37 Key codes are editable for custom switches