
Spanning Tree
ROS™ v3.5 162 RS400
5.5.3 Bridge MSTI Statistics
Figure 110: Bridge MSTI Statistics Table
Instance ID
Synopsis: 0 to 16
Default: 1
The Instance ID refers to the MSTI (Multiple Spanning Tree Instance) ID. Specify an Instance ID
and select GET in order to load parameters corresponding to the selected MSTI. Note: Bridge
Statistics for the IST (MSTI zero), are accessible via the Bridge RSTP Statistics menu (see
section 5.5.1).
Bridge Status
Synopsis: { <empty string>, Designated Bridge, Not Designated For Any LAN, Root Bridge }
Spanning Tree status of the bridge. The status may be root or designated. This field may show
text saying not designated for any LAN if the bridge is not designated for any of its ports.
Bridge ID
Synopsis: $$ / ##-##-##-##-##-## where $$ is 0 to 65535, ## is 0 to FF
Bridge Identifier of this bridge.
Root ID
Synopsis: $$ / ##-##-##-##-##-## where $$ is 0 to 65535, ## is 0 to FF
Bridge Identifier of the root bridge.