Network Discovery
RS400 217 ROS™ v3.5
Synopsis: 1 to 9
Default: 1
The port number as seen on the front plate silkscreen of the switch.
Admin Status
Synopsis: { rxTx, txOnly, rxOnly, Disabled }
Default: rxTx
rxTx: the local LLDP agent can both transmit and receive LLDP frames through the port.
txOnly: the local LLDP agent can only transmit LLDP frames.
rxOnly: the local LLDP agent can only receive LLDP frames.
disabled: the local LLDP agent can neither transmit nor receive LLDP frames.
Synopsis: { Disabled, Enabled }
Default: Disabled
Enabling notifications will allow the LLDP agent to send notifications and generate alarms for
the port.
10.2.3 LLDP Global Remote Statistics
Figure 151: LLDP Global Remote Statistics Form
Synopsis: 0 to 4294967295
The number of times the entry in LLDP Neighbor Information Table was inserted.
Synopsis: 0 to 4294967295
The number of times the entry in LLDP Neighbor Information Table was deleted.