Controls and Functions
knob remains the same. An auxiliary bus that is set
up as POST Fader routes, or sends, the signal to its
output from a point in the channels’ circuit that is
electronically after the channel Fader. That means
that the channel Fader also affects the level of a
POST aux send. A POST Auxiliary bus is what you
want to use (almost always) for sending to an effects
processor, either internal or external. When using
the POST aux sends, (while turning the channel
Fader up or down) the level of effects will track the
channel level correctly.
4 – AUX 1-2 Pre Fader Send
Each of the L series’ input channels include a pair
of Pre Fader Auxiliary sends; AUX 1-2 and their
control knobs adjust the amount of that channel’s
signal that is sent to the AUX 1-2 Output. The signal
feeding AUX 1-2 is sent before, or pre, the channel
Fader, so the channel Fader has no effect on the
AUX 1-2 output levels. The AUX 1-2 buses are usually
used to create a separate mix for a floor monitor
5 – AUX 3 Pre/Post Fader
Each of the L series’ input channels include an
Auxiliary send (AUX3) which can switch from Pre to
Post sends; AUX 3 and their control knobs adjust the
amount of that channel’s signal that is sent to the
AUX 3 Output. Aux 3 can be configured for pre or
post fader send using the PRE/POST switch (6). The
AUX 3 bus is usually used to create a separate mix for
a floor monitor system, but you can set the Pre/Post
switch to Post to use the send as en effects bus to an
external processor.
6- PRE/POST switch
The PRE/POST switch is used to select the point that
the AUX 3 bus uses to send the signal. When the
PRE/POST switch is set to PRE, the signal feeding
AUX 3 is sent before the fader, so the channel Fader
has no effect on that level. This is the normal setting
when using AUX 3 as a monitor send. When the PRE/
POST switch is set to POST, the signal feeding AUX
3 is sent after the fader, so the channel Fader has an
effect on that level, meaning the Aux level tracks up
and down with the channel Fader. This is the normal
setting for using AUX 3 as an effects send, since in
most applications when you set the channel louder
you want the effect to get louder too. When you
move the Channel Fader up or down the level of
effects will track the channel level correctly.
7 – EFX- Post Fader Send
The L series provide high quality, 24 Bit digital
effects, and the level of effects can be set
independently on each channel. The channel’s
EFX knob controls the amount of signal that is
sent to the EFX bus feeding the internal DSP effect
8 - Channel Equalizer - Mono Channels
The L1200 and L2000 mic/line input channels
incorporate a 3-band, swept-mid equalizer
allowing you to adjust the high, mid-range, and
low frequencies independently on each channel.
The frequency centers, range of boost or cut, and
equalizer type for each band are described in the
following section:
HF (HIGH FREQUENCY) 12kHz +/- 15dB Shelving
The channel’s HIGH frequency response is flat when
the knob is in the “12:00” position. Rotating the
knob towards the right will boost the channel's high
frequency response at 12 kHz by 15dB, and rotating
it towards the left will cut the high frequency by
The MF knob is used in conjunction with the
FREQ knob to create the tonal shape in the mid-
range frequency when using the mono channel’s
equalizers. You can adjust the frequency on the
mid-range control with the FREQ knob, and use the
MF control to either boost or cut that frequency by
plus or minus 15dB. The channel’s MID frequency
response is flat when the MF knob is in the “12:00”
FREQ (MID FREQUENCY) Variable 100Hz – 8K
The FREQ is a control enabling you enhanced
capabilities in the tonal shaping of the input channel
signal. Thanks to the FREQ control, you have a
variable mid-range equalizer, allowing you to pin
point the exact frequency you want to boost or cut.
The MID SWEEP has a “fixed Q” of two octaves (the
amount, or width, of frequencies