
Guided Tour - Channels
send 2 is post-eq and post-fader; that is, the level of the signal is determined by
the channels Trim control, its EQ settings, and the position of its fader. Aux
send 2 is used for routing signal to the TM300s internal DSP For more
information, see the Using Aux Sends and Returns and Using the DSP
sections on pages 20 and 22 in this manual.
8: Pan - This knob allows you to place the input signal anywhere in the left-right
stereo spectrum, while keeping the overall signal level constant. When the knob
is placed at its center (detented) position, the signal is sent equally to both the
left and right speaker outputs. When moved left of center, less signal is sent to
the right output and more signal is sent to the left output (making the sound
appear left of center) and when moved right of center, less signal is sent to the
left output and more signal is sent to the right output (making the sound appear
right of center). To route a signal hard left or right, place the pan knob either
fully counterclockwise or fully clockwise. For more information, see the Using
Pan section on page 19 in this manual.
9: PFL (“Pre Fader Listen”) switch - When pressed in, the channel is soloed
in connected headphones (see #24 on page 8). Soloing is non-destructive; that
is, it has no effect on the main stereo output.
10: Channel Fader - This linear slider determines the signal level being sent to
the main output as well as affecting the signal level being routed to Aux send 2
(which is post-fader; Aux 1 is always pre-fader). In practice, you will use the
channel faders to continuously adjust the levels of the various signals being
blended together by the TM300. The 0 position of the fader indicates unity
gain (no level attenuation or boost). Moving the fader down from the 0 position
(towards ) causes the signal to be attenuated (at the very bottom, it is
attenuated infinitelyin other words, there is no sound).
For best signal-to-noise ratio, all faders for channels carrying signal should
generally be kept at or near their 0 position. Channels that are unused should
have their faders kept all the way down at their (minimum) level. See the
Setting the Correct Gain Structure section on page 14 in this manual for more