Guided Tour - Main Section
1: Tape input (L, R) - Connect the outputs of a
tape or CD player to this set of dual phono jacks.
The volume of the incoming signal is controlled
by the Tape In level control (see #7 on the next
2: Aux Returns (1, 2) - Connect signal from
external stereo devices such as effects proces-
sors to these unbalanced 1/4" jacks. See the
“Connecting the TM300” section on page 10 and
the “Using Aux Sends and Returns” section on
page 20 in this manual for more information.
3: Record outputs (L, R) - This set of dual
phono jacks allow you to connect the output of
the TM300 to the inputs of a two-track recorder.
The volume of the incoming signal is controlled
by the Record Out level control (see #8 on the
next page). See the “Connecting the TM300”
section on page 10 in this manual for more
4: Main Inserts (L, R) - Use these to insert an
external effects processor (such as outboard
equalizer, compressor/limiter or noise gate)
across the TM300’s main stereo output in an
“effects loop” configuration. This enables you to
process the entire mix simultaneously at unity
gain. The “Post EQ” pair of Main Inserts is
affected by both the seven-band graphic master
equalizer and stereo faders, while the “Pre EQ”
pair is not. These jacks accept 1/4" TRS plugs,
with the ring carrying the send signal and the tip
carrying the return signal. Normally, this will be
connected to a Y-cord; see the “Connecting The
TM300” section on page 10 in this manual for
more information and a wiring diagram. The Main
Inserts can also be used to link multiple TM300s
or to bring the output from another mixer into the
TM300 without taking up channel line inputs.
See the “Using Inserts” section on page 21 in
this manual for more information.
5: Mono Out - This unbalanced 1/4" jack pro-
vides a monophonic line-level output, unaffected
by the Stereo faders (see #22 on page 8). It can
be used to connect the TM300 to an external
monitor mixer/amplifier/speaker system so that
performers can receive an onstage monitor mix.
See the “Connecting the TM300” section on page
10 in this manual for more information.
6: Aux Sends (1, 2) - These unbalanced 1/4" jacks allow you to route signal from either
of the TM300’s two discrete Aux Sends to external devices such as effects processors.
Aux send1 is pre-fader, while Aux Send 2 is post-fader. See the “Using Aux Sends and
Returns” section on page 20 in this manual for more information.