Longest Queue Time Now
This shows the longest call currently in queue.The queue time is calculated as fol-
Queue time begins when a caller starts to hear the first UCD message.
Queue time ends when a caller is either:
z Answered by an agent.
z System gets disconnect from C.O. or
z Caller is transferred to final destination.
Each statistic in this category can be read individually for each UCD agent.
Logged In
The number of stations programmed in the UCD group and the number of sta-
tions that are currently logged in.This statistic is a real time statistic and so will not
print on a report.
This screen shows the agents name, extension number and status.The status can
be in Group,Out of group or in DND.This statistic is a real time statistic and so will
not print on a report.
Calls Answered
The total number of calls received by the agent. This does not include ring no
answer to a agent station.
If the total number of all agent calls is less than the calls received by the group it
is possible that calls were unanswered by an agent and went to final destination
or that callers hung up while in queue.
If the total number of all agent calls is more than the calls received by the group
it is possible that calls were transferred from one agent to another.
Average Call Time
This is an average of all the call durations for the agent.
Average Ring Time
This is an average of all the ring times for the agent. Ring times are previously
This key may be programmed on each agent keyset to provide an indication of
waiting calls at the UCD group.
This key has no effect when pressed, but will flash amber or red to indicate that
calls are waiting.
There are two levels that can be programmed for this key, the are CS level 1 and
CS level 2.
By default these levels are 05 for level 1 and 10 for level 2.This means that when
there are 5 or more calls in queue at the UCD group the CS key will flash amber,
when there are 10 or more calls in queue at the UCD group the CS key will flash
red.These levels can be changed by your service company.
When it is not practical for an agent to follow the preset wrap-up timer it can be
manually controlled. Assign an Agent Busy Wrap-Up (ABW) key to select keysets.
z While on an UCD call press the ABW key.The LED will light red and you will not
receive another UCD call.
z When finished with any work related to this call press the ABW key again.The
LED will turn off and you are available for another UCD call.
The system has the capability to require agents to log in and log out with a PIN
number. Ask the installing technician to enable this option on a per UCD basis
(MMC 607).In addition you may be permitted access to MMC 718,Agent ID Code,
where you can assign up to 300 (L version) and 100 (M version) agents.Codes can
be from 1-4 digits in length.
Dial code entry number 001-300 (e.g., 005) or press UP or DOWN keys to select
index number and press RIGHT soft key to move cursor.