• Return calls by highlighting the desired phone/station number and press
the SEND button.
TEXTMSG. SETUP: Set incoming text message signal for specific func-
tionality. Scroll DOWN to desired option, scroll LEFT/RIGHT to desired
option setting.
INDIVIDUAL INTERVAL: Sets notification for Once, Every Two Minutes,
No Tone.
INDIVIDUAL TONE: Sets incoming notifications signal.
SHOW CONTENTS: Sets display option of received message. (Save - On,
Clear - Off)
2. SENT: Used to store and view text messages sent from the station.
•Write NEW MESSAGE, enter STATION NUMBER to send message to.
• Scroll DOWN, enter MESSAGE via dial pad.
• Press ENTER.
INVOKE MESSAGE : Allows saved messages in Draft option for future deliv-
• Press ENTER, displays all saved messages.
• Press MENU for message options (Add - New message to list, Modify - a
current message in the list, Send - selected message, Delete - selected
3. DRAFT: Allows creating and storage of messages for future delivery, or as
reminders. You can view stored messages, Search through stored messages,
Remove all stored messages.
• NEW MESSAGE: Use keypad to add new message to list,for future deliv-
• SEARCH MESSAGE: Displays all messages in list.
• RM, ALL MESSAGE: Deletes all messages in the list.
Used to set volume levels of the various functions of the keyset.Scroll left/right to
select desired option setting. When setting Ring Type and Ringer volume, each
tone level will be heard as you scroll through them.
1. Ring Type:Assigns ringer tone to station. (8 tone options)
2. Ringer: Sets ringer volume level. (8 volume levels)
3. Offhook: Sets off hook ringer volume level. (8 volume levels)
3. DAILY PLANNER: See Alarm Reminder Programming Section.
4. MEMO PAD: Self memo feature. Allows you to set text message notes. Up to
5 memos may be stored.
• Add NEW MEMO:Type in memo on keypad, press ENTER.
• Press MENU button to change fonts or add characters.
• SEARCH displays all memos saved and REMOVE ALL deletes all memos.
• Enter FIRST NUMBER, press SOFT KEY associated with the proper oper-
• Enter SECOND NUMBER and press ENTER to display answer.
6. WORLD TIME: Displays times throughout the world.
• Use direction button, LEFT/RIGHT to view desired time zone.
7. D-DAY PLUS: Scheduling feature that allows the user to view the time left
until an event,or time since event occurred.Use to monitor deadlines,sched-
ules, etc.
• Enter DATE, FREQUENCY and MEMO, press ENTER.
• When entering Memo, press MENU to change fonts or add characters.
• Enter Base Date and number of days before or after to begin reminder.
8. UNIT CONVERT: Weights and Measures conversion application. Allows you
to convert units of weights and measures into other units.
• Choose desired function (LENGTH, WEIGHT, AREA, VOLUME,
• Scroll LEFT/RIGHT to select base unit.
• Scroll DOWN and ENTER VALUE to be converted.
• Scroll DOWN, select CONVERSION UNIT.
• Press ENTER to display answer.
1. RECEIVED: View received text message information. (Station number, text
message, time/date) and set notification of messages received. A maximum
of 10 messages may be stored.
• MSG. CHARGE: Number of messages saved, press ENTER to view mes-
• Press MENU button to display further options.