Checking the _emaining battery and _eco_ding capacity
• When the power is off, press and hold the display (Irml/_OHEOK)
• When the power is on, press and hold the display (DI/_CHECK)
button for about 3 second.
• The remaining battery time and the available recording time
appear for about 10 seconds according to the storage and quality
setting values.
o Battery information b available only when the battery pack b inserted in your camcorder,
Ifyou are using the AC Power adaptor to power the camcorder, and you do not have the battery
inserted, the "No Battery" message appears.
The touch panel allows you to enjoy playback and recording with a simple touch of your finger.
Place your hand on the rear side of the LCD screen to support it.
Then, touch the items displayed on the screen.
Do not place a protective film on the LCD screen,
Ifa film is applied for a long while, strong cohesion on the surface of the screen may cause a
malfunction of the touch panel.
Be careful not to accidentally press the buttons near the LCD panel while using the touch panel,
Ifa film is attached for a long time, strong adhesion between the film and the surface of the screen
may cause a malfunction of the touch panel,