You can view a photo slide show.
• This function works in Photo (_) mode only.
° Touch the Play (_q}) tab on the LCD screen to select the Playback mode. '-,page 49
i o Touch the Photo (_,) tab.
, The thumbnail view appears.
o To change the current thumbnail page, touch up (_) or down
(Q) tab.
2o Touch the Menu (_) tab --_ "Slide Show Start"
, The ([_) indicator appears.The slide show starts from the current
selected photo.
, The camcerder plays back all photos continuously while applying
the slide show options ("Music," 'Interval," "Effect," "Play
Option") you have selected. See below.
, You can adjust the background music's volume level using the
Volume (/:,]) tab while playing back the slide show with music.
, To stop the slide show, touch the Return (_) tab.
, Every time you touch the LCD screen, the play related tabs appear
on the LCD screen.
To start the slide show during a playback of a single photo, touch the
slide show ({_2])tab on the LCD screen, or you carl touch the Menu (_)
tab -_ "Slide Show Start."
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You can apply the options in the "Slide Show Option" menus below
to your slide shows:
Music : (built-in music plays) "Off," "Random," "1 .Mist," "2.Muse,"
"3. Fall," "4. Dawn," "5. Party," "6. Drops," "7.Trip."
Interval: "1 Sec," "3 Sec."
Effect: "Off," "Random," "Effect 1," "Effect 2," "Effect 3," "Effect 4."
Play Option: "Play All," "Repeat All," "Random."