This isused for formatting the memory. If you run [Format] on the memo-
ry, all images, including the protected images, will be deleted. Be sure to
download important images to your PC before formatting the memory.
All camera menu and function settings will be restored to their default
values. However, values for DATE /TIME, LANGUAGE, and VIDEO
OUT wilt not be changed.
- Sub menus
[No] :The memory will not be formatted.
[Yes] :A window for confirming the selection
displays. Select the [Yes] menu. A
[Processing!] message appears and
the memory wilt be formatted. Ifyou
run FORMAT in Ptay mode, a [No
Image!] message will appear.
- Sub menus
[No] : Settings wilt not be restored to their
[Yes] :Awindow to confirm the selection will
be displayed. Select the [Yes] menu
and all settings will be restored to
their defaults.
[] Be sure to run [Format] on the following types of memory card.
-A new memory card, or an unformatted memory card
-A memory card that has a file this camera can't recognise or one that
has been taken from another camera.
-Always format the memory card using this camera. If you insert a
memory card that has been formatted using other cameras, memory
card readers, or PCs, you wilt get a [Card Error!] message.
{46} SFUP