button • Rotating an image
You can rotate the stored images by various degrees.
1. Press the play mode button and press the
E button.
2. Press the LEFT/RIGHT button and select
the [ROTATE] (_) menu tab.
3. Select a desired sub menu by pressing the
UP / DOWN button.
button : Colour
It is possible to add colour effects to your images by using this button.
1. Press the play mode button and press the E button.
2. Select ( Q ) menu tab by pressing the
Left / Right button.
3. Select a desired sub menu by pressing the Up / Down button and
press the OK button.
[_ : Right 90]
: Rotate picture ina
clock-wise direction
[% : Left9O] [_): 180_]
: Rotatepicture in a counter- : Rotate picture 180 degrees
clock-wise direction
[ '-_ : Horizontal] [ _ : Vertical]
: Rotate picture vertically:Rotatepicturehorizontally
•_ If you display the rotated image on the LCD monitor, empty spaces
may appear to the left and right of the image.
_lb Captured images will bestored in black and white.
Captured images will bestored in a sepiatone
_lb (a gradient of yellowish brown colours).
Captured images will bestored in a redtone.
Captured images will bestored in a green tone.
_lb Captured images will bestored in a bluetone.
Save the image in negative mode.
Captured images will bestored in set RGB tone.
4. The changed image is saved as a new file name.