Tap Games ( ), then select Bubble Breaker ().
5. Tap New Game to begin play.
6. Tap Yes to confirm the commencement of a new game.
7. Tap Menu soft key and then tap Options to display the options screen for
the current game.
• Choose from: Play Sounds, Confirm End Game, Display Bursts, Guest Mode,
Guest Style, and Breaker Set.
8. Update your selected options then press to return to the game.
9. Tap to exit the current game and return to the previous screen.
Note: i760 games can be downloaded from the Internet and stored on your i760 or microSD card.
Instructions from the game download site should inform you of the location (folder) in which to store
the application on your i760.
1. Open the phone in landscape mode.
2. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
3. Tap Programs ().