Tap to return to the previous screen.
1. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
2. Tap Settings ( ). By default, the Personal tab is highlighted.
3. Tap the System tab.
4. Tap Backlight ( ) to access the various backlight usage parameters.
• Battery Power tab: Allows you to set the backlight on/off parameters.
• External Power tab: Allows you to set the backlight power save parameters.
•Brightness tab: Allows you to adjust the backlight brightness settings.
•Keyboard tab: Allows you to set the keyboard backlight parameters.
5. Tap to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
1. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
2. Tap Settings ( ). By default, the Personal tab is highlighted.
3. Tap the System tab.
4. Tap Certificates ( ) to access information about different certificate
type, tap one of the following tabs:
•Personal: Used to identify yourself to others.
•Intermediate: Used to identify intermediate certification authorities.
• Root: Used to identify root certification authorities.
5. Tap to save your changes and return to the previous screen. For more
information, refer to "Managing Certificates" on page 38.
Clock & Alarms
1. From the Today screen, tap Start ( ) located in the upper left corner of
the screen.
2. Tap Settings ( ). By default, the Personal tab is highlighted.
3. Tap the System tab.
4. Tap Clocks & Alarms ( ) to access the following time settings such as:
•Time: Allows you to configure and assign the time and date for both your local
and visiting regions.
•Alarms: Displays the list of currently configured alarms and allows you to
activate/deactivate a specific alarm entry from the list.