1. From the Setup menu, select the
<Basic ( )> tab.
2. Click <User>.
3. Provide the necessary user information.
• Administrator password change :
Change the password for the
For the security purposes, you are
recommended to use a combination
of numbers, alphabets uppercase and
lowercase and special characters for
your password.
It is recommended to change your password once every three months.
The password length and limits are shown as follows.
A combination of at least two types of upper case, lower case, numeric, and special
characters: 8 to 15 characters.
Should be different from the ID.
Cannot repeat the same letter, number of special characters more than three times.
Cannot use three consecutive letters (e.g. abc, 123, 321, or ASCII code values in the
sequential increasing or decreasing order)
Special characters that are allowed. : ~`!@#$%^*()_-+=|{}[].?/
When accessing the camera webpage for the first time after factory reset, the change
password menu appears. A user account and its password are set to user1 to user 10 for
When you access the camera web page for the first time or access it after the initialization,
you will be moved to the admin password setting menu.
In this menu, you need to login again with the new password before using the camera web
page menus.
setup screen
62_ setup screen