Your Samsung PCS Phone provides the fo l l o wing voice call
n o t i fication fe a t u re s .
Six ring volume settings including Vi b ra t e ,O ff and 1-
B e e p .
Nine unique ring types and four melody tones (see
“ R i n ger type setting for voice calls” on page 45).
Name display with Caller ID (if the name is pro-
grammed into your Internal Phone Book).
Automatic storage of an incoming call’s info rmation in
the Call Logs (the last 10 calls you answe red are store d
in the Incoming Call logs and the last 10 calls yo u
missed are stored in the Missed Call Logs).See “ M i s s e d
c a l l s ”on page 32.
Answering a call
T h e re are three ways to answer an incoming call.
P ress if the phone is alre a dy open.
Open the phone (when the Flip Open option is set in
the Main menu ) .
P ress any key except (when the A ny Key
A n s wer option is selected in the Main menu ) .
Your phone is preset to answer when you press .Yo u
can easily ch a n ge how your phone answe rs by setting the
Call A n swer fe a t u re as explained here :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress for Call A n s we r.
4 . Use the scroll keys to toggle between “Flip Open”,
“A ny K ey ” ,or “SEND key ” .
5 . P ress to save the setting.
Correcting dialing mistakes
To correct a misdialed digi t :
P ress to erase one digit at a time.
You can erase all the digits at once by pressing
and holding it down for one second.
Ending a call
To end a call,close the phone or press .If you end a
call by pressing ,the call time (length of the call) dis-
p l ay s ,along with the name and number of the called part y
(if ava i l abl e ) .A l s o ,if the number is not stored in yo u r
I n t e rnal Phone Book,your phone prompts you to save the
number by pressing .If you do nothing,the phone auto-
m a t i c a l ly re t u rns to Standby mode after approx i m a t e ly fi v e
s e c o n d s .
Incoming call notification
Your Samsung PCS Phone signals an incoming call or mes-
s age in the fo l l owing way s :
The backlight illuminates.
The red LED on the top of the handset fl a s h e s .
The ri n ger sounds (unless you have set the ri n ger to
Vi b rate or Off ) .
Incoming call notification continues until one of the fo l-
l owing events occurs :
You answer the call.
You press or to silence the ri n ge r
b e fo re answe ring the call.(when the A ny Key A n s we r
option is selected in the Main menu ) .
The calling party ends the call.
The call is sent to the Vo i c e m a i l .