Emergency dialing
You can place calls to emergency nu m b e rs ,even if yo u r
phone is locked (see “ L o ck mode”on page 83).
Erasing voice dialing entries
To erase an individual voice dialing entry :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Voice Dial.
3 . P ress for Rev i ew.A list of entries display s .
4 . P ress the digit key to select the desired entry,or scroll to
the desired entry and press . The re c o rded name
p l ays audibly and you are prompted with “ O K :E ra s e ” .
5 . P ress to erase that entry.If this is not the entry yo u
wanted to era s e ,you can quick ly scroll to another entry.
To erase all Voice Dialing entri e s :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Voice Dial.
3 . P ress for Erase A l l .You are gi ven a confi rm a t i o n
s c r een and a confi rmation voice pro m p t .
4 . P ress to erase all voice dialing entries or t o
re t u r n to the previous scre e n .