The CROSS TRAINER e is a tool, and leamlng ta useit properly isessential for your safety'as well as thesuccessof
your exerciseprogram. Read thisownerls manual and the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL carefully before usingthe
CROSS TP,AINER e. Remember, the information in this owner's manual and in the FITNESSJOURNAL isgeneral in
nature. Formore informofio., about exercise, consult your physicianor obtain a reputable book about exercise.
WARNING: Before beginning any exercise program, consultyour physician. Thisis especially important for persons
over the age of 35 or parsons with pre-existing health problems.
In order to increasethe slze and strengthof your muscles, you mustsubi yourmusclesto above-normal workloads.
You must also progressivelyincreasethe intensily of your exercise sothat your muscles _ll continueto adapt and
grow. Each individual exercisecon be tailored to the proper inteas_tylevel by changing the weight setting,or thenumĀ°
bet of repetitionsor setscompleted. The proper weight setffngand numbersof setsand repelitions for each exercise
dependsupon the individual user.
Each workout should include about 6 to 10 different exercises.Select exercises Forevery major muscle group, with
emphasis on the areas that you want to develop the most. To give balance and variety toyour workout, vary the exer-
cisesfrom workout to workout.
To tone your muscles,selectmoderate weight settingsand increasethenumber of repetitionsin each s_t.Work your
musclesby completing more repetitions rather than by using high weight settings.
To loseweight, select low weight settings and increasethe number of repetitionsin each set.Exercising on the stepper
will also help you to burn Calories and shed extra pounds.
In the pursuit of a complete and well-balanced fitness program, many have found that cross Ira_ning is the answer. The
CROSS TRAINER e is ideal for cross training. Bycombining weight traln_ngw_thaerobic exercise, you can reshapeand
strengthenyour body, plus develop a strongerheart and lungs. ""
In order toobtain the greatest benefits Fromexercising,it is essential ta maintain proper Form.Maintaining proper Form
means movingthrough the Fu)lrange of motion Foreach exercise,and moving onb, the appropriate parts of thebody.
On pages 17 through 24 of this owner's manual, you will Find photographs showingthe correct form for each'exercise.
A descriptionof each exercise is also provided, along with a llst of themuscles offeO_. Refer to the muscle chorl inthe
Qccompenylnk, FITNESS JOURNAL to find the locations of themuscles.As you exercise, the repetitions _neach set
should be performed smoothly and without pauslng. The exertion phaseof each repetition should lostonly about half
as long as the return phase. RestFor 1 minute between set_ffyou ore doing a lone workout, and 3 m_nutesbetween
setsif you ore doing a strength workout. Plan to spend the firsttwo weeks learning the proper FormForeach exercise.