,hans for purchasing the revabtioeary PROFORM* CROSS TP,_NER e. The CROSSTP-_NER e comb;nes ¢
.arianweight system with a full-slze stepper to letyou enjoy true cross tra_ning workou_ in the convenience oF
• -,ur own home. And to help you get the mast from everyworkout, the CROSSTRAINERe fea_res the advanced PER-
SONAL TP,AINERTM weight training computer. Whether your goal is improvedcardiovascular fitness, a shapely, toned
body or dramatic muscle slze and strength,the CROSSTRAINER • w_])help you to achievethe specificresu|_ you want.
Foryour safely and benefit, read this owner's manual and the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL carefully before using
the CROSSTRAINERe. Ifyou have additional questions,please call our CustomerSe_ce Depar_ent toll-free at
1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. until6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). To help usassist
you qulckty, please note the model number and serial number oEyour CROSS TRAINERe before calling. The model
number is 831.159340. The serial number can be foundon a decal affached ta the CROSSTRAINER e. The location of
the decal is shownin the drawing below. Write the serial number in the following spacefor reference:
Beforereading Further, please review the drawing below and fomiJlarize yourself with the parts that are labeled.
High Pulley Station
Stepper Console
Stepper Handle
Leg Developer
Cable Cllp
t Backrest
t Selector Knob
SerialNo. Decal
Low PulleyStation
Foot Plate